Bed Bugs

Bed bug problems tend to start when instances of travel are involved. Whether you’ve recently returned from a vacation or have a child returning home from college for the holidays, how can you be sure bed bugs haven’t been brought home as well? These tiny pests hide in mattresses, baseboards, upholstered furniture, and even in light switches or power outlets. Getting rid of bed bugs in your home is always best left to a professional bed bug exterminator who knows exactly where to look for the pests.

Keep Bed Bugs Away For Good
At PIPE’S PEST CONTROL , we have more than 30 years of experience getting rid of bed bugs. Our highly trained bed bug control team will take the following steps:

Our specialists will thoroughly inspect your property to identify the source of the infestation and where the bed bugs are hiding.
We will implement targeted bed bug treatments or treat your entire home.
After treatment, we will provide ongoing bed bug control and prevention tips to avoid future infestations.

Head Office

13141 SW 7CT, Davie, FL 33325, US

(954) 408-5502

(754) 261-8986

About Us

Are you tired of dealing with pests in your home? Pipe’s Pest Control is here to help. With our cutting-edge techniques and a highly trained team of experts, we guarantee you an effective and speedy solution to rid you of the nuisances. Say goodbye to pests and make your home a safe and comfortable place! Contact us today.


  • Residential Pest Control
  • Commercial Pest Control
  • Ants
  • Cockroaches
  • Rodents
  • Bed Bugs
  • Bees
  • Ticks
  • Termite Control
  • Mosquito Prevention & Lawn Care
  • Real Estate Inspections 
  • Drywood Termite Control

Pipe’s Pest Control

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